
Goodbye to....

Ahora recuerdo...

Recuerdo tantas cosas!
Recuerdo que cuando conoci a muchas personas hace 4 años... una dejó de hablarme...
Recuerdo que aún sabiendo que odio esa canción me la dedicaron hace 4 años
Recuerdo que la psicología inversa puede ser peligrosa si no se maneja con cuidado
Recuerdo tantas cosas y no se por que las olvide durante todo este tiempo...

Y ahora que lo recuerdo... esa persona ya no existe... tal vez olvide porque me olvidaron primero...

That's the worst thing I could do...

That's the worst thing I could do....

Oh... something I've proofed several times... and I won't do it again... because cry in front of u... that's the worst thing I could do...


I know a secret.... his secret, but I can't tell anyone... How do i get here? I just don't know... the only thing I'm completely sure is that he though i could handle this... but I can't and now I'm gonna pretend that I don't know...

Now... This is the last time I'm going to start a conversation... it's time for me to understand who I'm... what I'm in this "dance"...


I don't know why I'm so surprised about the answer... someone had already told me that i follow that path.... I'm gonna find exactly the same... still i wanna take the chance although my mind is resisting while my heart is saying:

-Go ahead... can I be more broken that I already am?

Well the answer is: yeah duh!

But one important person in my life once told me that it's even more important to give love than receive it... so I'm just gonna let my destiny show me my way... somehow I know I'm gonna be ok... maybe one day...

I'm gonna be cool about all this...

My Memories

My memories...

Demasiados recuerdos invaden mi mente ultimamente... recuerdos que pensaba eran sueños y ahora los recuerdo como si hubieran sido de ayer.

Mi primer día en la universidad, es algo que nadie olvida incluyendome aún con la pesima memoria que tengo, pero lo que había olvidado era esa sensación de algo que apenas comienza y hoy ha llegado a su fin... pero no se le puede decir que ha llego realmente al final de un camino más bien he llegado al cruce de diferentes caminos y he de decidir por cuál tomar.

Tal vez ha llegado el momento en que tenga que sentarme y decidir que es lo que deseo hacer... ya alguien me había dicho en donde me encontraba y es cierto, necesito saber que es lo que quiero hacer...

It's time for me to close my eyes and start to dream... just imagine my own world for a few seconds and then wake up with that dream in my mind so I can reach it some day in the future...

Now, about my memories... I still can't find out why I'm having this thoughts again and again... when I finally star to avoid them once again they came with different details... if today I remember a smile... tomorrow I'll remember some eyes... Sometimes I wonder "What if.."; so what if i have chosen other things... what if i have said "yes" instead of that negative answer i gave some time ago...

Well I think I'll never know... One of these days I'll write down the conversation with myself and my other myself... jajajaja

Maybe only in that way I can finally decide what I'm gonna say in a few days...

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